Members of the Michigan Physicians Society LLC (MPS) Receive...
- Complimentary Benefits
- Discounts
- Advocacy
- Education
- Networking
- Career Assistance
- Investment and Revenue Opportunities
Complimentary benefits
Individual benefits:
- Do you enjoy traveling?
- $500 travel-credit voucher
- How often do you consult an attorney each year? Would you use one more if it was free?
- Physician Legal Advice Hotline
- Is your professional image important to you?
- Image Consultation
- Are you comfortable with your online reputation? Do you know anything about it?
- Online Reputation Analysis
- Are you aware of the fee schedule increases you could take advantage of around designations, like PCMH?
- DProH eLearning Portal
- Are you 100% satisfied with your career?
- Physician Career Analysis
- Career board
- When is the last time you had your portfolio and investment strategy reviewed by an outside expert?
- Portfolio and Investment Strategy Review
- Are you satisfied with your communication with press and media?
- Public Relations (PR) Communications Audit
- Do you use social media? If so, what are its objectives? Does it meet those objectives?
- Social Media Analysis
- When is the last time you had your tax returns reviewed by an outside expert?
- Tax Strategy Consultation
- When is the last time you created a backup of your personal photos, files, and data on your home computer?
- Online backup trial
- Are you interested in getting more referrals from other physicians
- Events
- Are you interested in finding ways to earn additional income outside of treating patients?
- Revenue opportunities
- When is the last time you had your insurances reviewed by an outside expert
- Comprehensive Insurance Review
- Are you considering buying or selling residential real estate?
- Discounted Residential Realtor Services
- Are you considering a divorce or separation?
- Divorce and/or Reconciliation Analysis
- Do you ever host events?
- Event Planning Session
Business benefits:
- Do you need business financing?
- Business Assessment
- Do you know how much your practice is worth?
- Business Valuation
- Have you ever worked with a business consultant?
- Strategic Planning Session
- Are you aware of the major fines for not completing regulatory training annually for your practice?
- DProH eLearning Portal
- Are you comfortable with your accounting?
- Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Consultation
- Are you 100% confident you are compliant with all HR and payroll taxes regulations?
- Human Resources (HR) Compliance/Risk Review
- Are you paying too much in credit card processing fees?
- Credit card processing analysis
- Are you interested in hiring a physician in the near future?
- Physician Job Description
- Career board
- Are you comfortable with your receivables and medical billing?
- Revenue Cycle Management Evaluation
- Do you have a website? If so, what are its objectives? Does it meet those objectives?
- Website and Marketing Analysis
- When is the last time you created a backup of the data on your business computers and server?
- Online backup trial
Members save up to 50% at:
- Restaurants nationwide - fast food to five-star
- Spas, gyms and health and beauty retailers
- The movies, sporting events, museums and other recreational activities
- Services, like dry cleaning and car maintenance
- Retailers, both in-store and online
- Travel
- Digital marketing and social media to distribute pro-physician messages to centers of influence and the general public
- Content is created by our team of physicians, entrepreneurs, and business professionals
- Blog:
- Facebook:
- Twitter: @DoctorAdvocates
- Linkedin:
- Safety Brochures and Training Videos
- Risk Management & Practice Protocols
- Affordable Care Act Information
- Cyber Liability Resources
- HIPAA Compliance Updates
- ICD-10 Implementation Guide and Resources
- Continuing Medical Education (CME)
- Professional development
- Entrepreneurship
- Investments
- Engage with other physicians
- Live events
- Virtual Networking Opportunities
Career Assistance
- Physician Career Analysis
- Physician Job Description
- Leverage expertise and experience through marketing, social media, and public relations.
- Notifications about new career opportunities.
Investment and Revenue Opportunities
- Portfolio and Investment Strategy Review
- Non-traditional investment opportunities
- Opportunities to earn money outside of treating patients
- Support other physicians through collaboration and referrals
- Leverage skills to help the community
You receive all of this for only $600!
Risk Free Guarantee!

If you are not completely satisfied, simply notify us within 30 days of joining and we will return 100% of your money!
Join Today
The process of joining is really simple. Contact us today to get started!
Note: Membership benefits and discounts are subject to change without notice.